Bonny Doon, CA Weather

Bonny Doon, CA Weather

11/24/2024 11:55:00 PM

Outside Temperature 44.2°F
Wind Chill 44.2°F
Heat Index 42.6°F
Dewpoint 42.0°F
Humidity 92%
Barometer 30.256 inHg
Barometer Trend (1 hour) -0.007 inHg
Wind 0 mph from 68° (ENE)
Rain Rate 0.00 in/hr
Inside Temperature 54.0°F
High Temperature 52.9°F at 11:47:36 AM
Low Temperature 37.0°F at 02:48:59 AM
High Heat Index 51.6°F at 11:47:36 AM
Low Wind Chill 37.0°F at 02:48:59 AM
High Humidity 94% at 03:56:44 AM
Low Humidity 79% at 11:17:47 AM
High Dewpoint 46.6°F at 11:47:36 AM
Low Dewpoint 35.2°F at 02:48:59 AM
High Barometer 30.267 inHg at 09:58:10 PM
Low Barometer 30.193 inHg at 02:23:33 PM
Today's Rain 0.01 in
High Rain Rate 0.04 in/hr at 04:19:00 AM
High Wind 9 mph from 90° (E) at 11:19:54 AM
Average Wind 1 mph
RMS Wind 1 mph
Vector Average Speed 0 mph
Vector Average Direction 108° (ESE)
High Inside Temperature 55.5°F at 12:00:29 AM
Low Inside Temperature 52.5°F at 09:13:27 AM


Bonny Doon, CA
90° 00.00' N
000° 00.00' E
2160 feet

This station uses a AcuRite udo: unable to resolve host raspberryberet: Name or service not known, controlled by 'weewx', an experimental weather software system written in Python. Weewx was designed to be simple, fast, and easy to understand by leveraging modern software concepts.

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